Fuel Cut Info - Computer

Last updated: March 27, 2001

Date: Tue, 28 Jul 1998 10:14:11 +0200
From: "Bernd Kluesener"

The ECU is programmed to cut off fuel at the following ABSOLUTE pressures. If You live at sea level, the third column should reflect Your boost gauge readings. All those on Pikes Peak need to make the appropriate corrections.


1000    26.5                    11.8
1500    26.5                    11.8
2000    26.5                    11.8
2500    26.5                    11.8
3000    26.9                    12.2
3500    27.1                    12.4
4000    27.5                    12.8
4500    28.0                    13.3
5000    26.9                    12.2
5500    26.0                    11.3
6000    25.8                    11.1
6500    25.4                    10.7
7000    25.4                    10.7

Plot a graph and get the idea.


Date: Mon, 26 Mar 2001 10:52:08 -0800
From: "Ulen, Robert S" (Robert.Ulen@PSS.Boeing.com)

Fuel cut is a function of absolute manifold pressure vs. RPM, regardless of what gear the car is in.

RPM    Abs Manifold Pressure (psi)
1000    26.5
1500    26.5
2000    26.5
2500    26.5
3000    26.9
3500    27.1
4000    27.5
4500    28.0
5000    26.9
5500    26.0
6000    25.8
6500    25.4
7000    25.4

I have never seen number for 7500 and 8000 RPMs, but I would assume it's 25.4 psi absolute also. Remember that the absolute manifold pressure is equal to the boost pressure plus the absolute atmospheric pressure.

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