Date: Wed, 5 Nov 97 13:32:49 CST
From: (Jim White)
> "DM" == Drew I didn't say the car has three belts. I said the parts fiche shows
three belts.
DM> I have run into this problem at a couple of auto parts places....I am That seems right. In fact the comment in the fiche for belt 1 says,
"W/ P.S." and the comment for belt 2 says, "W/AIR CON.".
The part number given for belt 3 is for manual transmission (MT) cars.
I missed the listing for the automatic transmission (AT) version:
DM> Well I have the stock can match them up with any DM> 6PK1045 DM> The format is xPKyyyy _________________
Date: Sat, 11 Jul 1998 23:49:00 -0400 Pettit Power Pulleys - power steering pump + A/C compressor requires a 37.5 - 38.5
six-rib belt.
Speculate that stock pulleys - power steering pump + A/C compressor requires a
38.5 - 40.5 six-rib belt.
Date: Mon, 28 Jun 1999 16:05:06 -0500 I used a Gates Micro V 54.5" 5 rib belt. The 56.5" was too loose, a 55"
would work well, The 54.5 was tight but perfect. Slip it around the
airpump, the alternator, and leave the waterpump pulley last, The smooth
tappered edge of the waterpump pulley allows you to slowly (and forcefully)
slip in place. Once in what seemes earlier like it won't fit, suddenly
feels loose.
Date: Wed, 09 Feb 2000 23:24:55 -0500 This is the way Gates numbers their belts so you can speak Gatese (grin)
Part number K050290, the K is the series, 05 means five rib, 0290 means 29.0
inches. If you are planning to use a stock pulley then you will need a
shorter one, perhaps just 1 inch, so try part # K050280 if it exists. The
alternator gives you some reasonable adjustability, but do not over do it.
The belt should have some slack.
Date: Tue, 24 Feb 1998 17:32:59 -0600 (The belts should be adjusted to) 4.5-5.0 mm deflection. That's
0.18-0.19 inches on either belt.
Date: Wed, 09 Feb 2000 20:12:54 -0500 I had several configurations run so I used several sized belts, I have them
all but I can't tell which is which now. But I'll tell you how I buy my
belts. I use a string, run it the path of the belt, and then measure it. I
used Gates belts because that's what the local speedshop carries. The string
trick is a very old but it works.
Date: Tue, 24 Feb 98 16:49:45 EST >Help, I just replaced the two belts on my 93 and need to know how much The best way to keep belt tension consistent is to use "CRICKET II"
belt tensioning gauge...
The "Cricket II" gauge is designed for multi-V grove belts and is
manufactured by Gates. I picked one for less than $ 15.00...
Keeping the tension consistent should help prolong water pump life...
Gauge comes with instructions and a general reference tightening table
which gives values based on belt configuration...
I bought the Rotary Performance pulley kit (3 oulleys), and am
including the belt part numbers here for future reference:
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DM> Shame on you....where is the THIRD belt located on the 3rd gen?
DM> thinking the non-existant third belt is for the cars without A/C. (I don't
DM> know of any FD's w/o A/C). Not a third belt...but an applicable belt for
DM> certain cars.
1. Power Steering is part number N3A1-15-907
2. Air Conditioning is part number N3A1-15-908
3. Air Pump, Water Pump, Alternator is part number N3A1-18-381
4. Air Pump, Water Pump, Alternator is part number N3A2-18-381
DM>belt maker:
DM> 5PK1355
DM> Where x= number or ribs and yyyy = length (diameter) in millimeters.
From: Wael El-Dasher (
>I have Greddy Pulleys on my car and want to retain the air pump.
>The factory Dayco belt is 53" Inches, and the next size up is 56.5" (it is
>too long). Ideally I need a 55.5" or more likely a 56" belt.
From: Wael El-Dasher (
> i purchased a kit from pettit racing to do the task< it consisted of
> the alternator pulley, waterpump pulley, and Gates micro v belt part
> # K050290, i forgot the price of this kit, i think i paid between
> $100-$150 for it.
From: Martin Crane
From: Wael El-Dasher (
From: zgluszek@VNET.IBM.COM
>tension to put on! Should there be much play on them or should they be
>tightened stiffly?
>Its so easy to overtighten with the "easy to turn tensioning bolts"(Not
>Any methods would be appreciated Thanx Shane
Rotary Performance Pulley Kit Belts