Date: Tue, 21 Jul 1998 09:00:23 -0700 Remove the panel covering the driver's end of the dash... three
spring clips are holding it in place, and it has an alignment post
which you might just cut off once it's out of the car. Makes it much
easier to remove.
Remove the bolt (8mm) holding the end of the under-dash panel
in place, remove the screw on its right side (towards console) and
then pop it out of place, one spring clip on the upper right, I believe.
Once it is loose, disconnect the heating duct in back of it. Remove
the under-dash panel.
Remove the three screws holding the column cover in place, from
the bottom. Two are normal screws, one is a machine screw.
CAREFULLY unsnap the upper half from the lower half, starting
at the driver's side. Remove the column cover.
Remove the two screws holding the instrument panel in place, one
at each lower corner. The instrument panel is held in (at this point)
by three large spring clips in the back of the curved hood. There is
also an alignment post on the hood. Take hold of the top of the
instrument assembly, one hand on each side, and wiggle it, pulling
towards you and up. If you're careful, nothing horrible should happen,
and it should pop loose. It will still be connected by its wiring, but you
don't need to remove it completely.
Behind the right side of the instrument panel are two screws (?) I
believe which are holding the climate control assembly in place.
Remove the screws, and pop out the climate control assembly. Be
careful popping the lower half of it loose (area around the stereo).
Date: Sun, 13 Feb 2000 20:28:06 -060 To remove the center panel that contains the A/C controls and goes around
the radio, you have to remove several other pieces first. There are four
screws holding in the center panel. Two are hidden underneath the console
panel and the other two are hidden behind the instrument cluster.
Once the four screws are removed, you can pull the center panel forward. I
think there are three connectors to the A/C controls to remove. There are
pictures and instructions in the factory workshop manual on page S-54, but
the order they recommend removing pieces is incorrect, because you can't get
to all the screws if you follow their order.
Date: Sun, 13 Feb 2000 21:53:54 EST This is a pain in the butt and you'll have a lot more of your dash apart then
you intended. Remove the steering column clamshell, two screws from bottom of
the instrument cluster plastic. Then the fun part, pull back on the
instrument cluster shell and hear a lot of bad sounds as the clips release,
then you can reach the two screws on the upper left corner of the radio trim
panel Jason was talking about. I think you might have to take out two more
screws under the center console as well. Now that you have most of your dash
in your lap, I hope whatever you went in there after was worth it!!
From: "Jim LaBreck (ECA)"
From: "Jonathan S. Ott" (