From: (Don M.)
Date: November 3, 1998
Date: Sat, 27 Jun 1998 11:00:06 -0700 I started a dicussion a week or two back about fixing the illuminator which
lights the keyhole when you lift the door handle on a 3rd gen.
The consensus was that to replace it, you have to buy a new lock cylinder
(at around $50).
Well, I can update you on this and maybe save you some money.
If the white plastic flap is broken, then to fix this, you CAN take the lock
cylinder apart and replace it without buying a new cylinder (see
instructions part 2 below). If it is the bulb which has stopped working,
then you do not have to replace the cylinder. In fact doing so is no help
at all.
The bulb under discussion is the one which illuminates the door lock which
comes on at the same time as the orange lamp which lights the ignition lock.
It is triggered when you lift the door handle.
Remove the door handle by pulling the triangular panel off the inside of the
door and unscrewing the two bolts that hold the lock mechanism in place.
There are two wire coat hanger-like wires which are removed by twisting the
plastic devices they fit into. The wires then simply pull out of the lock
The bulb is held in place by the same clip which holds in the door lock
cylinder. The bulb is a small incandescent one with fly-leads which are
very fragile. These wires break off where they enter the glass of the bulb.
You can replace the bulb (it comes attached to an 18-inch wiring harness)
without having to buy a new lock.
To replace the bulb and harness, you will need to remove the driver's door
interior panel. (Two screws at the front, one at the rear and one under a
flap behind the interior door release). Having removed the screws, gently
pop the panel off the door and carefully lift it off where it locates into
the top of the door. The two grommets which the panel locates in on the top
of the door are very delicate and my local Mazduh dealer can't find them in
their parts catalog, so be careful. [If anyone can help me with the part
number I'd be grateful since I broke one and the panel now rattles :-(]
There are three white plastic electrical connectors towards the rear of the
door, near its top edge. The one nearest the front of the car is the one
that this bulb connects to. The harness is also held in place by a clip
which is fitted from inside the door itself, so you will have to pull the
plastic sheeting off the inside of the door to get access to this.
I don't know how much Mazda charge for the bulb and harness, but it is
possible just to solder a new bulb on the end of the harness. If you do -
make sure you either:
I used a similarly sized bulb from an illumiated switch I had lying around
my garage at home. It's not quite as bright as the original, but does the
This takes care. Make sure you are working somewhere clean and will contain
the bits that may fly out when you start dissassembling the lock.
You need to remove the polished cover which is on the front of the cylinder.
By feeding a very small jeweller screwdriver under the rim, you can ease up
the two detents which hold it on. Take the cover off, followed by the black
plate with the rectangle through which the key is inserted to unlock the
door. When you remove this, the flap can then be accessed. There is a
spring under the flap (by now it has probably just flown over your left
shoulder). Mazda do not supply this flap without a lock, but it should be
easy enough for most people who have got this far to make up a new one from
a piece of translucent packaging or similar, using a small hacksaw and a
As they say, reassembly is the reverse of the above procedure. The
flap-spring goes back into the lock with the short arm to locate it and the
long arm against the underside of the flap.
Date: Thu, 23 Dec 1999 01:15:14 -0800 The circuit that operates the door key hole light also operates the ignition
keyhole light.
If one fails, I'd suspect the bulb, if both have failed, then it is likely
to be the controller for the lights or possibly a fuse (which I doubt since
the bulbs are very low powered so would probably notice other things failing
as well as they would be on their own circuit) You can always test the
bulb/circuitry by taking the handle assembly off and using a multimeter.
the bulb is on quite a long harness that plugs in near tjhe top of the door
(under the interior panel) but if you measure the voltage on (both) the
leads when you lift the handle, if the controller is working and properly
connected to the bulb, you should see 12v or so one one of them. I would
not recommend testing continuity when the bulb is connected to the
controller circuitry.
As far as I can remember, the controller is in the drivers door. I'd
recommed you get an electrical manual for the car, I have found it
Date: Mon, 15 Mar 1999 11:36:26 -0600 The lock light on my [3] was out. Mazda said I had to order the whole door
handle to get the bulb. Heeding Stephen Stanley's advice I went looking for
another bulb.
After checking 3 or 4 electronics stores with no success, one store directed
me to an electronics repair place, where I got a bulb that looked IDENTICAL
to stock, complete with wire leads (no connector). I later stopped at
another stereo repair shop to check the progress on my Alpine amp fix, and
asked Lex if he had any bulbs. He asked me how many hundred I wanted.
Apparently, the lock light bulbs are a fairly standard stereo and instrument
light size.
So, if you need to replace a key light, might want to check a stereo repair
shop first! The bulb I got came with wire leads already attached for under
From: 1. Driver's door lock light bulb
I removed the door handle and disconnected the wiring harness that goes to
the bulb & door lock. I left the harness attached to the door handle, but
removing the whole assembly from the door made it easier to work on. I
purchased a replacement bulb from Radio Shack, P/N 272-1141A (Mini Lamp with
1 3/4" hookup leads, 12V, 25mA), then soldered and shrink wrapped the new
bulb to the old harness. The bulb cost $1.19.
Putting everything back together was easy, but then I found that my driver's
side window would only go down a couple of inches. It turns out that when I
reattached the wiring harness for the bulb & door lock, I did not route it
as it was originally. Make sure the harness is routed between the inside of
the door and the window guide at the back of the door (duh!) if you remove
it to work on it.
2. Door lock plastic flap
I looked for translucent plastic to match the original flap. I found some
plastic that was about the same thickness and color on the casing of some
cheap auto-epoxy I bought a while back that didn't work well anyway. I used
a dremel with a cutoff wheel to cut out the plastic that goes between the
two barrels holding them together. Then I used a razor blade detail knife
to cut the plastic to the same shape as the original flap. Finally, I used
a small file to round the corners where the flap turns on its axis. It
looks as good as new and works, too.
From: Stephen Stanley
From: Stephen Stanley (
From: "Stover, Steve"
Date: February 21, 2000