I bought a Simpson Super Voyager 8, for the company's reputation, as well as for features. It is rated SA 95, which requires that it have a Nomex liner (fire resistant). The M-rated helmets (as opposed to SA) do not have to be Nomex lined, since they are intended more for motorcycle use. But the M ones will do nicely for autox. Just may not be allowed at track events.
The Super Voyager 8 has a wider than normal face opening, giving great visibility. It also works well with eye glasses where most helmets would have too small of an opening to comfortably wear them.
It also has a good vent system.
From: jmoran@JJMA.Com
Date: 07/02/97 02:34 PM
This was discussed at length on the BMW Digest (go ahead, laugh) in March. From the Snell Foundation web site FAQ:
Q8: What are the differences between SA Standard and M Standard?
SA Standard was designed for auto racing while M Standard was for motorcycling. There are three major differences between them:
(1) SA standard requires flammability test while M standard does not;
(2) SA standard allows narrower visual field than M standard;
(3) SA standard has rollbar impact test while M standard does not.
I also did some digging at the time into their testing methods and evaluation criteria. Here are the specifics:
One of the most important tests Snell uses for rating helmets is Impact Management - how well the helmet protects against collisions with large objects. These tests involve a series of controlled impacts in which the helmet is positioned on a test headform mounted to an accelerometer. The helmeted headform is then dropped in guided falls onto specified test anvils - flat, hemispherical and edge - and the impact site is approximately on the top of the helmet. To pass the test, peak accelerations of the headform may not exceed 300 G's. The number of impacts, impact energy, and resulting drop height (depends upon headform/accelerometer assembly weight) are tabulated below:
Anvil Type Number of Impacts Req'd Impact Energy Drop Height Flat 2 150 j 3.0+ M 110 j 2.2+ M Hemispherical 2 150 j 3.0+ M 110 j 2.2+ M Edge 1 150 j 3.0+ M
Impact management test for a Special Applications helmet are performed in much the same way as for a Motorcycle helmet. Again, peak acceleration may not exceed 300 G's. SA helmets are test on 4 anvils - flat, hemispherical, roll bar, (5.0 cm +/- 0.5 mm diameter) and edge. The number of impacts, impact energy, and resulting drop height are tabulated below:
Anvil Type Number of Impacts Req'd Impact Energy Drop Height Flat 2 150 j 3.0+ M 110 j 2.2+ M Hemispherical 2 150 j 3.0+ M 110 j 2.2+ M Roll Bar 3 150 j 3.0+ M 120 j 2.4+ M 100 j 2.0+ M Edge 1 150 j 3.0+ M
So, what does this say? I am somewhat led to believe that the Roll Bar test is more stringent than the other tests, otherwise it would not exist. Therefore, it is possible that Motorcycle helmets are thinner. Is there an appreciable difference in thickness? I don't know. All other impact tests are done in the same manner. Also, the Shell Penetration Test (resistance to penetration of a cone shaped striker) is performed the same for both types of helmet.
In addition to the Impact Management and Shell Penetration Test, there are tests for the following:
Hope this clarifies things.
Jim Moran
>All the actual test requirements and lists of approved helmets are
available on the Snell website - www.smf.org.
>A. C. Tynes
>'95 Mustang GTS #16 FStock
>Delta Region SCCA
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