I bought the Autometer 2401 and the A-pillar mount from Mazdatrix (also
available from several other sources). The Autometer 2401 looks very close
to the stock gauges, with the exception that the chrome ring is a little
larger than the ones surrounding the stock gauges. It is black with an
orange needle, and is lit from behind with a reddish light. (It also comes
a green cover for the lightbulb.) --Steve
Date: Thu, 26 Feb 1998 18:17:26 -0800 I went with the 52mm HKS guages. The white numbers on a black face with
red needles match the stock guages really well (even the look and
mounting of the needles are almost perfect). I was told by HKS that the
backlighting was amber, but it turned out to be white. I have been
thinking about trying to replace the light with an amber bulb, just to
make it perfect. Well, I guess I'd have to add a chrome ring to make it
100% perfect.
Date: Sun, 30 Nov 1997 14:23:30 -0800 Greddy Gauge:
Plus: Too cool. Peak hold is a must in a setup that will see
high boost and tends to spike or creep. Comes with a small
"wrench" to adjust the over-boost setting on the gauge, and
the ground output allows you to hook up a buzzer (which I'll
probably do) or larger light to get your attention if the small
winking red light on the gauge face doesn't. Easy installation,
cheap insurance. BIG gauge, easy to read and very accurate.
Minus: Required extensive modification of my gauge cup,
since this gauge is a full 60mm. Then again, I got a great fit
by taking my time. Price is $286 through Peter, as high as
$350 at local shops. Green illumination, no apparent fix. Does
not dim with dash lighting, no apparent fix. Instructions in full-
blown Japanese, see wiring chart below. Boost measurements
are in Bar, memorize a conversion table. (Ed.'s note: I think
you can get these in PSI as well. --Steve)
Installation was a breeze, cutting the vaccum hose that previously
went to my AutoMeter gauge and attaching it to the sending unit
that comes with the GReddy gauge. The wiring harness for the
gauge itself ran down the gap at the driver's edge of the dash, and
then it and the wiring for the sending unit were run along the
underside of the dash to the radio area. I tapped 12V+ switched,
the illumination circuit (which the AutoMeter was wired to in parallel,
allowing it to dim... this gauge doesn't dim and I don't see a simple
solution), 12V+ constant, and moved the ground from the illumination
circuit to stereo ground. Plugged everything into the control box and
it worked... 0.5 Bar max, which equates to my waste gate opening
at 7 p.s.i.
Date: Fri, 17 Mar 2000 10:32:51 -0800 Sharp Precision Instruments, Part #27100-1AR (I think), should be 2 1/16"
0-20PSI mechanical boost gauge, white lettering on black face, red needle,
amber/orange backlighting. Matches stock gauges nearly perfectly. They
make the gauges sold by PFS and Stillen, maybe others, but do sell directly.
MSRP is around $125.
I think Alamo Motorsports is a discount distributor for them. Cyberspace
Auto used to carry their gauges also, but I heard they don't any longer.
Phone: (718) 894-5105
Note: Get an AutoMeter A-pillar mount. DONT get the A-pillar mount that
SPI carries, they are inferior in fit & quality. I have an SPI boost and
SPI water temp gauge in a dual A-pillar mount from AutoMeter. Looks/works
Date: Thu, 26 Feb 1998 16:37:21 +0000 Bret dePedro at Rotary Performance in Manassas, VA sells one by Sharp
Precision Instruments which MAY be the same one PFS sells. The price
(in the box) is similar at about $120.00.
It is available in several color options. Mine is white on black,
with switchable red or green lighting. With the red lighting it is
an excellent match for the stock gauges.
This is a very high quality gauge, and makes my old VDO look pretty
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 15:42:31 -0700 Stillen's gauges are made by Sharp Precision Instruments in NY (718) 894-5105.
You can get a 0-20PSI gauge that is as close to the stock instruments as I've
seen (white lettering on black face, amber backlighting, red pointer), but you
have to order one of their "modular gauges". With the modular gauges, you
specify exactly what face color, backlighting color and pointer color you
The one I described above is part #97100-1AR. (1AR = black face, _A_mber
backlight, _R_ed pointer) List price is $125. You can order direct through
them or go through one of their discount distributors. The one I've used is
Alamo Motorsports in Louisianna (504) 755-6177. Their price was about $110.
The downside to ordering like this is that it takes 3-4 weeks to get your
gauge. Like Jack-in-the-Box, "they won't make till you order it..."
The gauges made for Stillen read 0 - 25 PSI, which is ok for 300ZXes and
Supras, but how many RX-7s need a gauge that reads beyond 20 PSI? A 20 PSI
scale gives you better resolution.
SPI does sell an A-pillar mounting pod. It is NOT a good fit. Get the
AutoMeter / GaugeWorks one if you want to go with an A-pillar mount.
sells gauges, senders, etc.
Date: Mon, 18 May 1998 00:08:39 -0400 Here's the results... I've learned one thing in the past week, however.
An idle vacuum reading is not cast in concrete. Last week my (corrected
for error) Autometer 2401 was reading 14.5", today it's reading 16.5".
Without further ado, the results: Name, miles, reading, etc. "Cal" =
calibration confidence, "OK" means the writer said it was good without
further justification. Compression readings in PSI or BAR - minimum
acceptable is 100 PSI or 7.0 BAR.
Some statistics & comments at the end.
I'd have to say "almost none". We've got high and low mileage engines
with high and low readings. We've even got low vacuum readings with
decent compression. If there was any conclusion I might reach - from a
survey response of ONE - it's that a reading less than 14 probably means
compression is low, which may indicate impending engine failure. Too
bad we don't have compression gauges in our cars.
33% have readings above 18" on average Of those reporting oil consumption and having > 18" readings, 4 out of 6
had oil consumption of 4000 miles/quart or less. Correlation? Maybe
but on so few samples it's a stretch (you have to want to believe).
Of those reporting oil consumption and having < 18" readings, 7 out of 8
had oil consumption of MORE than 4000 miles/quart. Another wishful
All we know for sure is what we knew before... you want your car to have
high vacuum, high compression, and you want to burn a measurable amount
of oil. I still think many of these cars don't meter enough oil and
will be looking into adding 2-cycle oil to the tank as a preventative
Date: Mon, 18 May 1998 14:28:15 PDT I think one obvious conclusion is, inexpensive gauges are not very
accurate. At my work we do a lot of mechanical gauge calibration from
$2,000 Heise gauges (ANSI Grade 4A, accurate to plus or minus 0.1% of
full scale) down to $100 mass produced gauges(ANSI Grade B or ungraded).
One thing I've seen is the ANSI Grade B gauges, after being in service
for a while, fall from an "out of the box" accuracy of plus or minus 3%
to plus or minus 10% of full scale. As most of you know, the vibration,
shock and heat that automobile gages are subjected to is not kind to
gauge accuracy.
What this means is most of the gauges we're all using
will be accurate to within plus or minus 3inHg after subtracting any 0
offset they've acquired. So, assuming an average actual vacuum reading
of 18inHg for a third gen a random sampling of our gauges will read from
15inHg to 21inHg, throw in the car to car variation and it's easy to
understand Carl's results.
I would recommend buying the Pettit mount that replaces the plastic
piece that surrounds the steering wheel and houses the indicator stalk, etc.
I found that the A-pillar mount puts the gauge in your line of vision if
you mount it at the top of the pillar, and blocks your view of the front
fender if you mount it at the bottom of the pillar. I used a Dremel tool
and cut out a section so it sits lower on the pillar. You could maybe
also cut some out of the top to mount it higher on the pillar.
Also, the double-sided tape that holds the A-pillar mount to the pillar
tends not to stick very well. I have heard from several people that had
similar problems, and ended up with their gauges dangling by the vacuum hose
/ wires. The fix for this is to either get new tape or screw the A-pillar
mount to the A-pillar. I won't put holes in the interior of my car, so
that's out. I bought some 3M double-sided tape that has seemed to hold
a lot better than the tape that came on the mount.
The downside to the Pettit mount is that it does not have the screw holes
like the standard top of the pod has, so you have to glue it in place. (At
least on the one I saw.)
Also, Pettit does not sell this unbundled from the gauge, so if you don't
like the one they sell, tough luck. Several people said that Rotorsport and
maybe Tri-Point sell this separately. I have not called them.
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From: "Brian L. Goble"
From: "Jim LaBreck (ECA)"
Red wire - 12V+, ignition switched
Black - 12V-, ground
Orange - 12V+, constant
White - 12V+, illumination
Yellow - 12V-, output for over-boost warning
Sharp Precision Instruments
From: "James King" (james.king@wyatt.com)
From: "David Lane"
From: "James S. King" (james.king@wyatt.com)
Gauge Accuracy
From: "Houseman, Carl W. x1323"
Emory Chang (echang@UCSD.Edu)
16.5, cal OK
Negligible oil consumption
Rick (Rsous@aol.com)
18 to 20, cal OK
2000 miles/quart
Dana Bourgeois (fg@corp.portal.com)
19, unknown problems may lower reading to 16, cal verified by other
Steve Wynveen (wynveen@ticon.net)
14 to 14.5, cal verified on boost side
115 - 123 PSI @ 282 rpm
Negligible oil consumption
Chris (rxnut@juno.com)
19 to 20, cal verified on boost side
6000 miles/quart (extrapolated)
Chuck (drchuck@petronet.net)
15, cal ???
2000 miles/quart
Chuck (drchuck@petronet.net)
16, cal ???
Gene Kan (genehkan@scam.XCF.Berkeley.EDU)
18 to 20, cal OK
4000 miles/quart (extrapolated)
Jason Elmore (fast_rx@rocketmail.com)
12 to 15 (wide variance, cause unknown), gauge reads 1 PSI w/engine off
95-100 PSI @ ??? rpm
Negligible oil consumption
Spencer Hutchings (hutch@qnis.net)
19 to 20, cal verified by another gauge
2500 miles/quart
Dave Roberts (daverx7@uky.campus.mci.net)
7000 (3mm apex seal, ported Pettit rebuild)
15.5, Autometer 2401 zeroes OK
8.7-9.3 bar front, 8.0-8.2 rear
5000 miles/quart
Dave Roberts (daverx7@uky.campus.mci.net)
???? miles
13 to 14, Autometer 2401 zeroes OK
7.0 bar
Engine failure a few months later
8000 miles/quart
Jake Watkins (watkij@uf4965p01.BentonvilleAR.ncr.com)
16 to 19, VDO, no other cal info
Andy Goerdel (v-bag@MICROSOFT.com)
20, cal OK (reading unchanged for last 20,000 miles)
6000 miles/quart
Adam Wojciechowski (tt7xr@yahoo.com)
18 to 20, Autometer zeroes OK
3000 miles/quart
16, Autometer 2401 zeroes OK
Steve Cirian (steve@ScuderiaCiriani.com)
5500 (original engine)
16, Autometer 2401 zeroes OK
Negligible oil consumption
Mike (gollum@netcom.com a.k.a. Smeagol)
3000 (replacement engine)
18, Autometer 2401 zeroes OK
MIke (gollum@netcom.com)
85000 miles (original engine - Mike wasn't this an O-ring failure?)
18, Autometer 2401 zeroes OK
Carl Houseman (chouseman@genicom.com)
27000 (original vehicle)
16 to 17, Autometer 2401 corrected by 1" based on +.5 PSI zero reading
Negligible oil consumption
Carl Houseman (chouseman@genicom.com)
45000 (replacement vehicle)
14.5 - 16, Auto 2401 calibrated by another gauge
38% have readings 16-18"
29% have readings below 16"
From: "Mike Putnam"
Gauge Mounts