Date: June 13, 1999
Since Valentine is no longer making the G-Analyst, one of the companies that made software for it, GEEZ, is now making the hardware as well. You can get the complete Racer's Bundle for $395, including the G-Cube (hardware), GEEZ software, and G-Dyno software for capturing dyno-type data.
You will need a laptop or Palm to log the data to.
Pretty cool stuff. I just received mine and am going to try to get it up and running this weekend or next. I'll send out a full review then.
I talked to the owner for some time on the phone - very knowledgeable and helpful, plus he and his wife race.
>How about some pics of the unit? I couldn't find them on the
>manufacturers website.
The cube is a small unit - maybe 1.5" each side of the cube. At first I thought it was a power supply like you would get with a cell phone recharger. I guess it doesn't really matter how big it is as long as it works. In fact, smaller will make it easier to mount and move. It comes with velcro for mounting. I am guessing the console/tunnel just behind the driver, or between the bins would be a good spot to mount it. The directions say that it doesn't have to be in the center of the car, but should be as close as is convenient.
I am thinking I will put my laptop in the pocket on the back of the passenger's seat. Note: most laptops have an option that allows you to have the laptop suspend (or not) when it is closed up. You will want it to NOT suspend when you fold it up, or else it isn't going to collect any data. This is usually selected from the hardware setup menu.
It comes with an RJ-11 connector hard-wired into the cube. There is an adapter for RJ-11 to DB-9 to get it plugged into your laptop or Palm. There is an additional adapter in case the power on the RS-232 port on your laptop isn't as good as the G-Cube is looking for (I guess this would be a voltage regulator?)
Date: June 22, 1999
>I have a G-Tech pro unit, and the main problem I have with it is finding a
>flat area (that is safe, and away from traffic, and cops) to do test runs.
>It is also of little use at the track, unless I could mount a camera behind
>it, and film the session, and try it that way.
The G-Cube and GEEZ software will actually plot you a map based on the data in collects during the run. It will plot your line through the course, which will not be exactly the entire course; only your route through it. But it will allow you to map your performance to the course you are driving on, as opposed to just collecting data in a vacuum. You can play this back and see what happens at various points on the course. I think there is a demo of this on their web site. The software also comes with a few test runs in the database, so you can play other people's runs back.
I got the software installed last night, and was going to give it a shot in the rental car, but the DB-9 to RJ-11 connector that GEEZ supplies has a flange on it that does not allow me to screw it down on the serial port. It jiggled loose during the test run. I am going to Radio Shack tonight to see if I can get one that will allow me to fasten it down tight.
The concensus is that the Valentine One is the detector of choice. Other detectors may do an adequate job, but not anywhere near as good as the Valentine. C&D rated it way above anything else. No use skimping on this.
These work, but too late to do any good. By the time the alarm goes off, you are most likely toast.
Available with most radar detectors, or as an additional cost option to them.
Not many (if any of them) do much good.
The laser techniques, such as the license plate bracket one, do actually work, especially if your car has very few reflective surfaces (e.g.- chrome, non-pop up headlights, etc).
Date: Wed, 20 Aug 1997 02:00:37 -0500
From: David Liberman I promised I would write about this interesting little box, so here it is.
My trooper-evasion arsenal includes a Uniden Beartracker BCT-10 Police
Scanner. This little black box, about the size of an inflated radar
detector offers two features: a pre-programmed police and weather scanner,
and a Mobile Extender Alert. It also has six buttons on top, two led
displays on the front, a removable whip antenna, a suction-mount windshield
antenna, external speaker jack, etc. When used with a conventional radar
detector, you have a distinct advantage over the forces of evil that patrol
our highways.
The scanner portion comes with 866 pre-programmed freequencies, including
all fifty states and the Canadian provinces. Setting the device for the
state of your current location is as simple as pressing a button while
watching the display scroll through the choices. You can choose to listen
to either highway patrol frequencies, local police and highway patrol, or
public weather channels. A knob on the side adjusts the volume of the
somewhat tinny speaker. And, since many frequencies broadcast garbage in
various forms, the Beatracker gives you the ability to lock out up to fifty
unwanted frequencies.
The Mobile Extender feature only applies to highway patrol departments that
use these short-range radios. In these areas, when a highway patrolman
steps away from his car, signals to and from the patrol car are sent to
their portable radios via the mobile extender. The BCT-10 picks up these
signals. Using a numeric range display, you can determine the distance of
the radio emissions. This can be very sensitive within short distances,
but has a range of about three miles.
Properly utilizing the Beartracker involves developing a mental picture of
the patrol environment around you. For example, listening to highway
patrol frequencies, you can determine the general distance of specific
patrol cars based upon the strength of their replies to the dispatcher. No
reply from a patrolman, or a very weak one means that they are far enough
away that you don't have to worry. A crisp transmission however, ensures
that he is nearby. If the department is using mobile extenders, you will
likely get additional alerts from the BCT-10 when the patrol car is very
One major caveat. Don't rely on the mobile extender feature until you've
seen it in action. That's how you'll know if mobile extenders are in use.
They don't use them in Alabama, so I've never had the thing go off, except
a couple of times when I'm cresting a hill near several transmission
towers. But on my Florida trip, the BCT-10 paid for itself about twenty
times over. Often, it would go off about thirty seconds before my radar
detector! With this little box, you have the ability to sniff out troopers
when they are not using their radar. And, considering the proliferance of
Florida Highway Patrol, I had plenty of opportunities to see it in action.
There is a new model out, the BCT-12. I don't know if it offers more
features, but it has probably had the frequencies updated. The street
price on this gem is somewhere around $150, and is available from various
electronics specialty sources. Even if you don't have mobile extenders in
your area, the weather bands, along with the ability to listen to them call
your license plate in, is worth the price.
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